I can't believe I am writing my week 7 blog post, it feels like I got here last week. Seriously these weeks need to slow down, because I want this trip to last forever. I wish I could move all my friends and family down here…The only thing Australia is missing is you guys! :(
This weekend was incredibly boring. I had my first paper due on monday so of course I left it till Friday, the paper was only 1200 words so I figured I would bust it out in a few hours (easy). When sitting down and reading through the directions I realized that I needed 8 sources, and we could only use 2 from the books so I spent tons of time looking through library sites to find worthy sources. I actually went to the library on Saturday AND Sunday! I was a try-hard student this weekend, but as soon as the paper was passed in on Monday… back to being a beach bum ;)
Mekila and I got together for a coffee date on Tuesday. Little did I know when she picked me up we would be going on an all day trip up to Mount Tamborine! Anytime I can get out of the city, I am a happy gal. The scenery was spectacular, we had lunch at a little cafe situated right next to a waterfall, you couldn't see it from where we were sitting but you could hear it and it was a wonderful escape from the city.

After lunch Mekila and I decided to take a little "Bush Walk" (Aussie Nature walk) to see the Falls! I was very happy to explore a little Aussie rainforest but also terrified of every little thing that moved as I walked along the pathway. Mekila assured me over and over that there was nothing in there that would kill me but I was NOT convinced. We were walking along the trail and out of nowhere some decent sized black animal started shuffling around in the woods…. I WAS OUT OF THERE… yep pushed my pregnant friend right in front of me.. You heard that right I used a PREGNANT lady as a HUMAN SHEILD for whatever vicious animal that was coming for us… (friend of the year right here) … turns out it was just a harmless bush turkey… guess I'm a little too jumpy at times…. sorry Mikki
couldn't leave with out taking a picture with the waterfall.

Wineries were scattered all across Mount Tamborine, I will definitely be back with my mom for some wine tastings when she gets down here!
There were a bunch of little shops all along the way and Mekila and I stopped in a few, many were filled with hand made things and some really interesting things, like coo-coo-clocks and specialized tea pots… how these businesses get enough revenue to keep their doors open actually boggles my mind.
Seriously… these clocks were 900-4K
What PSYCHO buys a four thousand dollar Coo-Coo-Clock?
The Tea pot shop was a little out of the ordinary as well, but they were cute, and I love tea so I thoroughly enjoyed peeking around in the shop. Still not sure how they can make enough money selling 50$ tea pots to keep the doors open.
"Quit Worrying Shark Attacks NEVER Happen"- said every Australian I've ever met.
Well… it happened.
On Tuesday there was a Great White shark attack. In the shallow waters, of the public beach at Byron Bay. ( You know the one I was swimming at last weekend.. yep that beach)
A man in his forties was swimming just past the break line, when he was fatally bitten by a shark in the upper region of his thigh. A paddle boarder saw his body floating and tried to rescue him, but he was too late, the man had already bled out in the water from his wounds.

An Image shot by a helicopter as the seen unfolded on the beach shows just how close to shore the shark came.

WELL that puts a damper on surfing doesn't it now? Fortunately our beaches in Surfers Paradise have shark nets to keep these monsters out. The only problem is that Ive seen dolphins swimming in the waves, makes you think… if dolphins can get past the shark nets… sharks could too.
Yes sharks are terrifying, but surfing is just wayy too much fun to stop because of some man eating fish. Ive been Surfing every day this week and I am finally getting a little bit better! Though Im still getting demolished 90% of the time, I have gotten up on my own a few times and any victory is a victory. Surfers make it look so easy and effortless…. ITS NOT… but Im out there every day trying my hardest to get better. I have fun whenever I'm out in the ocean regardless if I get up that day or not.
Heres one of Jake and I
some action shots with my go-pro
I even got one of me almost standing up! key word being Almost.
As for Coffee
Jake and I went to the same little spot in Main beach this week because it was just too good last week! but embarrassingly enough-- the place is called Le Jarden not Le Garden, they really need to make their cursive more clear. but heres a picture of our cute cappuccino hearts in our coffee.
Alas, Ive got to cut this post short because Mekila is about to pick me up for a weekend adventure!
We are heading 3 hours north to the Sunshine coast to camp on Rainbow beach for the weekend :)
Till next week!